DBA Sponsored Jams Calendar Link
First and Third Sunday of the month
Udall Park Ramada 7200 E Tanque Verde Road
Meet in main building Room 1 1:30-3:30 pm year round
for info call Mike Headrick 520-403-0168 or Bonnie Lohman

Second Sunday of the month
17th Street Jam
830 E 17th Street. Use the door with the wheelchair ramp
1-3:30 p.m.
For info: Marshall Vest banjoGR8MJV@gmail.com.
You may click on an image to see it larger with it’s title.
Third Thursday of the month
Trail Dust Town (courtyard by the gazebo)
6541 E Tanque Verde Road
7:00 to 9:00 pm (May – Oct) 2:00 to 4:00 pm (November – April)
For info: Bonnie Lohman 520-349-4812 basslady78@comcast.net
Third Sunday of the month
Udall Park Ramada
7200 E Tanque Verde Road
See times above.
Fourth Thursday of the month
Comanche Wells Jam
Comanche Wells Mobile Home Park, 775 W Roger Rd #227, Tucson
10:00am – 12:00pm
The gates will open at 9:30. The jam is in the clubhouse.
This is a beginner friendly jam for all levels of players.
For info: John Anderson 520-261-5645 johna2u55@gmail.com
or Vicki Borders 520-351-1644
Fourth Sunday of the month
North Pantano Road
4:00 to 6:00 pm
Other Jams (non-sponsored)
Southern AZ Old Time Fiddlers Assn.
Call for info on place:
Tuesday afternoons
Info: Wilbur Welsh